Saturday, August 02, 2008

Windfall Profits

ExxonMobil reported record profits for the last quarter, in the neighborhood of  $12 Billion. The Company , however, paid nearly $32 billion in taxes to various governments......... 32 BILLION DOLLARS IN TAXES.....
I'm sorry, if your paying more in taxes than you earn as a profit IT IS NOT A WINDFALL unless you're in government !!!!

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Climate Change and Cow Farts

What is totally ridiculous is the way environmental idiots are going after cattle and their emission of methane through flatulence, claiming its effect on that dreaded global warming is immense or even significant.
Natural methane emissions occur everywhere, anyplace there is decomposing plants or dead animals. Ever hear of sewer gas, or swamp gas ---METHANE.  Considering all the  swamps and marshes in the world, along with all the rotting  matter in the oceans: animal and plant; volcanoes etc. the natural side of the ledger out produces all the cattle in the world by a factor of a hundred or more. The natural variation in methane output overwhelms the addition of methane from cattle.
Consider all the termites in the world: they out weigh all humanity and they are one of the greatest emitters of methane in the world.
This Methane hysteria is another way for these eco-nuts to impose their vegetarians ways upon us !

OBAMANIA !! again

BARACK OBAMA ------A Legend in his own Mind

Thursday, May 22, 2008

MObama -- Delicate Chicago Rose

When Will They Leave ?

The Democrats created this monster in the 1990's --- NOW THEY ARE PAYING FOR IT !!!!

Saturday, April 12, 2008

A Good Campaign Issue

This should be the basis of a Republican Campaign issue...

Friday, February 15, 2008

McCain and the Right II

        McCain's trouble with Conservatives; including talk radio icons like Rush, Sean etc; can be traced to his apparent attitude  (through his people) of SHUT UP and fall in line....  he should treat us on the right with more respect.....
Instead, he needs to treat liberals with more contempt,e.g. ridicule the NY Times' endorsement. He needs to make it clear that Teddy K's version of immigration reform is DOA.  Likewise he needs to acknowledge that his Pride and Joy of Campaign Finance reform has major problems --- like empowering people like George Soros and the Clinton's use front groups to do their dirty work; along with making it harder for the average guy to get involved in the political process without the help of a lawyer........

Overall he needs to humble himself a bit and get rid of his air of superiority that vexes so many. A man who barely made it out of the Naval Academy can't afford such an attitude..

More to come.....


Thursday, February 14, 2008